Tuesday, October 28, 2014

An endless variety of books

   Eternal wisdom is right here in front of us. In so many different books and different kinds of books. We can deeply read (truly understand by reading between the lines) just about anything. Human beings are the only worldly creatures who are self-aware and can, therefore, think for themselves. We are here to understand the world around us, other human beings, and ourselves. In a sense then, the world around us, other human beings, and ourselves can be seen/ understood/ metaphorically interpreted as books. So some of the books I like are paintings, photos, people, actual books, movies, shows, conversations, the inner life, cosmic evolution, 'the book of life' (nature), and the human being as a cosmic archetype.
   The variety and number of books is endless. All that is needed is an open eye to read - not to skim over stuff (although sometimes you just don't have the time and are forced to) but to wrestle, dance with what is on the page, don't just stand back objectively. You the reader play, now (once something is there to be read), the greatest role.
   Develop understanding through practice; that is the only way. Things may come to you out of the blue but to receive the right things at the right time takes practice and dauntless patience. This, reader's eye, can only be developed in ourselves, by ourselves. It is already in us as a seed and just awaits the right conditions. This seed can and will grow (because things evolve regardless) and ultimately flower, bringing forth future seeds within us; which will in their turn will undergo an analogous (comparable) processes. "The kingdom of heaven is within you."
   "... Giants seek to tell tales fully. We [giants] desire to scant no portion of the rich complication of loves and hearts. Joy is in the ears that hear, not in the mouth that speaks." ( - Against All Things Ending, Stephen Donaldson)
   The original idea for this blog came from 2 separate sources at a similar time: One said, "you should write a book," and I immediately rejoined: "Yeah, titled: 101 ways to know what you don't know." The other wrote after an inspiring passage in an email, "send me a weekly inspirational paragraph." I bet they are both, if they have gotten this far through the blog thinking: "Why, Oh why, didn't I take the blue pill!"
   Understanding is king, because in life we have to read between the lines otherwise, we will never know when someone is giving us the finger or trying to pull the wool over our eyes. No, understanding is king because it is what is essentially human. We, humans, are that part of the world that is awake to itself; all the rest of nature sleeps in this sense. To be aware is, for us, to understand that we are aware.

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