Friday, October 3, 2014

Chaos, potential, the fifth, fundamentalism and freedom

   In the beginning was chaos. That's what the ancient Greeks thought and it is probably what "darkness upon the face of the deep" means (2nd sentence in the bible). From a state of pure potential or chaos; change begins, things evolve. This seething chaos begins the whole of the what now is. To think that messiness is the beginning place gives me hope. After the pale horse (the 4th apocalyptic horse) is where we are at now (the 5th place in the apocalypse) and if you can't feel the madness then you are not in the boat, and its rocking will not be waking you up. Chaos is potential.
   Today everything seems to need to be done again and again. I find myself constantly at the beginning. I find my will constantly challenged. I am constantly being thrown out of the chaos to awaken to the chaos. Nothing is ever finished and the spirit is never finished with us.
   Our daily routine transforms the chaos into a manageable order. Our lower nature would have us sink into the chaos like gumboots sucked into suffocating mud. Our daily routine and the people we are surrounded by save us from melting into the chaos. Our survival amidst the chaos is not due to our better selves but rather the people around us that give life meaning. Alone we would become that part of the original chaos from which we arose.
   If we look at a series of seven, the colour spectrum, then we see that the first three stages evolve out of a warm beginning. With the middle, green, a new note is struck and the cool colours take over. These blues and purples are a new entry into the spirit. Darker stages because we are no longer coming out of the spirit with the warm colours. The green of nature, our world, is led over, transformed, into a consciousness that has been through the death of earth. After the middle green, the hard part comes: the fifth, blue. The pale horse was pale green and now after it we have the blues.
   Our times are chaotic. Especially when you consider all the endless rushing around, the continuous generation of excitement, the search for meaning and purpose (which comes from meaninglessness and purposelessness), the increases in suicide, mental illness, domestic violence, and addiction.
   We can ask what does this chaos call forth in us? One answer is morality but if we ask what morality is? We find ourselves facing an endless hall of mirrors. Yet an answer can be that morality is who we are; the foundation of our humanness. This foundation of the human being is in process; it is not complete. And this hints at the need (need might be a bit harsh) for chaos. Morality, learning, understanding, goodness, and beauty can only occur where there is freedom. The greatest freedom is freedom from your own prejudice. What freedom gives is the possibility to know something deeply because knowing of anything depends on the number of viewpoints you can understand it from; on your freedom to see things from different angles.

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