Thursday, October 23, 2014

Some Steiner quotes

Some Rudolf Steiner quotes with {my own 2 cents worth}:
   "Love is higher than opinion. If people love one another, the most varied opinions can be reconciled. Hence it is deeply significant that in Theosophy no religion is attacked and no religion is specially singled out, but all are understood, and so there can be brotherhood because the adherents of the most varied religions understand one another.
   This is one of the most important tasks for mankind today and in the future: that men should learn to live together and understand one another. If this human fellowship is not achieved, all talk of occult development is empty."
{ love reconciles differences and leads to community }

   "When we grasp the true meaning of human freedom, we can have no wish that a sin should be so forgiven us that we would no longer need to pay it off in our Karma.”
{ freedom is a process that arrives through karma }

   "More and more will souls be imbued with the consciousness that a man ought not to say merely what he “thinks”, but must prove the objective truth of what he says."
{ thinking must become spirit vision and speech become initiation }

   "There is no absolute truth — each truth has its particular mission at a certain time. We talk of Theosophy today, but we know that when we come to be reborn in the future we shall hear something very different and stand in quite a different relationship to one another."
{ living thinking = freedom = transformation of the future }

   "Two things must be completely avoided during occult training. We should never harm anyone through deeds, thoughts or words intentionally or not.   Secondly, the feeling of hate must disappear in us, otherwise it reappears as a feeling of fear; for fear is suppressed hate. We must transform the hate into a feeling of love, the love of wisdom."
   Here is one not by Steiner but by B. Hive (
  "There is recreation and then there is solemn encounter. The light hearted may tell you a circus is fine; but participation is not desired. Who cares to step inside the ring? Who cares to put their head in the mouth of a wildcat, or frolic with the clowns?"
{ deeds of love leave only little traces and mostly go unnoticed }

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