Saturday, October 22, 2022



   There is nothing that doesn’t involve thinking. We don’t perceive hard, brown structures with waving, scintillating, green appendages but trees. Trees are an idea. We see ideas all around us not the component sense perceptions but whole objects. The idea unifies the divergent sense impression into one entire piece.

   But thoughts are more than place holders for objects. Each thought is as real as an object of sense. Each thought can bring harmony/ pleasure or depression in its wake. We must take better care of our thought world because it determines who we are. We are a web of living thought complexes.

      The sense world poses us a question: Is this all there is? The answer comes from within the human being: I am! It is this centre of consciousness that makes all that we see real. Existence is only when I am. The next closest layer to existence and the Self, which issue together as one, is thoughts. Not only do we cognise the world as thought (perceptions have to de discovered/ isolated = known) but the mainstay of our inner life is thinking.

   The running commentary of associations is not really thinking. Thinking has purpose and intention but mostly we just float in a sea of distractions, unfocused belief. To really know something takes effort… time… love.

   Thoughts are shadows of real beings. What are your thoughts trying to tell you? What are these spiritual beings? When does thought become feeling, not emotion, but sense free feeling? Living feeling is behind thought. Not an emotion that overcomes you and sweeps you along but harmonious feeling as a finer sensing.


Only thoughts that aren't stimulated from outside work as forces in the astral body to promote and purify it. Where do these thoughts come from? They come from divine creator beings. It's very important for an occult pupil to know about the thoughts of these spiritually creative beings.

These beings had the present world in them as thoughts before they created it. The very first thing that was in them was will; the will to act was there first. This stimulated them to have feelings. And from feelings arose the thought by which they solidified and created things. Thus the world was built according to thoughts All real esoteric life can only develop by taking in the thoughts of these divine creator spirits, the thoughts before the creation of things. Most people devote themselves entirely to exoteric life and try to suppress all esoteric life.Thereby they're holding up human progress. They're enemies of further development and they rigidify men. Only esoteric truths promote human evolution.”

 - Rudolf Steiner

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