Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Body, Soul, and Spirit - "Spirit?"


   Body we know and with it we have our whole external life. Soul is a little less clear but it is our inner life: our thoughts, emotions, and will impulses. Spirit that is the mystery but it is the essential part that can turn surviving into thriving. If we look at the three functions of the soul: thinking, feeling, and willing, then willing is related to the body, feeling to the soul, and thinking to the spirit. But thoughts are not thinking they are the end product of thinking. It is this movement, essence, gesture of thought before it crystalizes into words that is spirit. Thinking is pre-thought/ pure thought.

   With spirit we find eternal resurrection. Spirit is not just the overcoming of death but it is the life that is found through death, on the other side of death. This is the missing key. We have our life in the outer world and our inner life but still things remain an incomplete picture. It is the spirit that brings back wholeness to life.

   This force of resurrection lies in thinking too. Our thoughts are dead, empty shells. With spirit thought comes into process. What was dead and empty is from this other side, before it is crystalized, full of life.

   Thinking has become the emphasising of a viewpoint in words. What thinking is meant to be is knowing, understanding. We have been taken over by an inner dialogue which was meant to be a lens for understanding the world and ourselves. Our search for meaning is really the want of a thinking that cognizes.

   Spirit is what we are seeking. The search for meaning, depth, being, essence this is the search for spirit. This is the squaring of the circle where the duality of life becomes whole, becomes trinity. If morality is who a person is at heart then morality is spirit.

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