Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Reconciled opinion

  "Love is higher than opinion. If people love one another, the most varied opinions can be reconciled. Hence it is deeply significant that in Theosophy no religion is attacked and no religion is specially singled out, but all are understood, and so there can be brotherhood because the adherents of the most varied religions understand one another.
   This is one of the most important tasks for mankind today and in the future: that men should learn to live together and understand one another. If this human fellowship is not achieved, all talk of occult development is empty." - Rudolf Steiner

 At the Gates of Spiritual Science

Lecture 11, 1st September, 1906 Stuttgart

   It is a great task today to overcome our intolerance and find the spirit behind the words of another. We are educated to judge everything for ourselves. Which is good but we need to add tolerance to this education if we are not going to back ourselves into a blind alley. We need a judgement that's not focused on the surface. Broad-mindedness is a goal we have to take up for ourselves. There is a growing need to be wary of systems of thought that are linear, not even attempting to see things from more than one perspective.

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