Tuesday, June 14, 2022

IAO - The Three Logoi


   John 1,1 : “In the very beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a divine Being.”

   Consciousness, Life, and Form. Consciousness is creation from nothing, individuation. Life is soul, evolution, the universe in motion. Form is substance, the universe at rest.

   Consciousness is the indwelling essence. It is beginning of attention.

   Life is growth and development. It is the gesture, movement, behind a succession of forms. It is the development that oscillates between essence and form.

   Form is the house, the body, that is indwelled. It is the fixed shape.

   Consciousness to life to form is the evolutionary progress from I to world.

   In John 1,1 the Word begins as shape, sound, then comes into relationship, life, and finally is as essence, being. The process is reversed here because the view is from now into the past: Where we first meet sound, precise pattern, then life, and finally consciousness.

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